Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sunday Aug. 28 at 3:25am

What a busy week that is behind me and a few busy weeks that lay in front of me.

I am wide awake due to much unwanted coughing. Tonight was my last night for a
couple of days to have Mike all to myself before he heads off to NC.
Yes that is right NC. We are moving there for a year until the new job in TX starts up.

Many things to do before I leave VA and one of those things are setting up a last CF
appointment at UVA and then going to meet my new team at Duke. I am nervous about 
such a transition in my care so late in my pregnancy. At UVA the doctors have 
coordinated care with my OB and CF team. I do hope Duke does the same.

I suppose if I could complain about a CF related issue it would be the coughing.
The coughing usually is just when doing my meds and airway clearance.
However when a flair up is on the rise the coughing begins to increase at an annoying
rate. So much so that even though Michael usually toughs it out in the bed beside me
I know he is just as miserable as I am. Some times he does head out to the guest bed or I 
will from feeling guilty from coughing and depriving him sleep.

So tonight, my last cuddle night I am hiding in the office far from the bedroom where my 
Mike is peacefully sleeping. I came in here not only so he could get some kind of sleep,
but also so I could do some airway clearance. I feel so upset with myself that I can't stop
coughing for one night so everyone can get sleep. My stomach  muscles also wishes 
(and i'm sure the baby too) the coughing would just subside. Monday first thing I'm
calling my CF doctor to get in and see her ASAP to have this beginning flair up done with.

After the baby is born and I can resume my regular medicines I do expect that I will not be
dealing with constant small flair ups. I miss my inhaled antibiotic and other oral ones.
I was so well maintained on them that I can tell I haven't had anything for months.
It's just Pulmozyme and Hypertonic saline toughing it out. Also being on and off bed rest
and not being able to exercise to the extent I was hiking before pregnancy isn't helping.

Tuesday is my OB appointment and my first gestational glucose testing. Prior to pregnancy
I had no diabetes and hopefully still with pregnancy I won't get gestational diabetes.
I just can't wait to have little man here and back to my diet, exercise and medication.
But most of all to hold and snuggle him.

Well... It is going on 4am and I'm going to crawl in the guest bed to try for some sleep until
my little sweet girl wakes me up!

~ Michelle ~

Friday, August 12, 2011

Outlaws on the move

Yeppers!!! We are on the move.
True outlaws, so some of my family may say.

 We are headed a little ways from home with Mike's job.
I must say we are extremely grateful and happy to have such an oppurtunity 
and adventure. We are headed from our VA home to TX. We are expected to
live there while he pursues his new career for about three years.

It is a little stressful being pregnant, packing a house, moving records, trying 
to help those who don't deal well with such news and being excited and up beat.
But it is sooo worth it all. Madison will have a great time seeing the country and
just maybe after this adventure we are talking about moving to Germany for a year.
Shhhhhhh for heaven's sake don't tell my parents yet!

However I do have a new picture of my little growing baby boy who is making a melon
out of my tummy!

Madison and I went to our local lake for a fun day playing on their beach.
She finally convinced me to buy a bathing suit and even picked it out for me.

We had so much fun, here are two more pictures!

Madison making a sand angel

She is so great, I love my little girl.
I hope all is well and sorry for the delay between updates.
Have a great weekend!!! 
I know I will, the fair is in and that means FUNNEL CAKES!!! 

~ Michelle ~

Monday, August 1, 2011

The overwhelming selections

YAY, breathe, OH BOY, just breathe...
That is how Michael and I felt when we went to register. 

We were all smiles and giggles as we walked back to the desk to register, 
Michael was so excited to be be the one to hold the scan gun. 
We sat down filled out the paper work and Mike got the gun. 

We turned around and instantly it hit us, where do we start?
In five years since our daughter the changes in baby stuff is overwhelming.

We devised a plan to start with the back walls and work towards the center aisles.
Mike ran (gun in hand, smile on face) to the diapers looking for the swaddlers.
We used that brand for Maddie and loved them. She was super sensitive and
those seem to be the only diapers that didn't cause her to break out.
That was easy. 
As we adventured into the unknown we went from easy decisions like;
diapers, wipes, and blankets to the incredible over whelming part "the big items".
Bouncers, swings, play pins, bassinets, jumpers, bath tubs and let's not 
forget to take into account the 30+ different types of bottles all claiming to be the best.
Luckily for us I knew the brand we were going to first try. 
As some may know, babies choose their bottles, it's really not you.

We spent an hour and half in the store and by the time we went through everything an narrowed
down our top choices between the selections we flopped down in the chairs at the desk as they finished with our registry stuff.
We waddled (more so me) to the car and decided for lunch it was Five Guys fries and Smoothie King smoothies. We came home and passed out!

With that behind us, we still have a crib, changing table and rocking recliner to choose and buy.
